于 洋,女,博 士,研究员,硕士/生物医药专业博士生导师。2010年毕业于沈阳药科大学天然药物化学专业,获得博士学位,随后在暨南大学医学院中西医结合博士后流动站进行博士后研究工作,2013年加入暨南大学药学院,从事教学科研工作,期间曾赴日本国立医药品食品卫生研究所及横滨理化研究所访学。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上、青年基金,参与完成国家自然科学基金重点项目、“国家科技重大专项”子课题等多项科研项目;主持实现中药1.1类新药转让项目1项,承担企业委托研究项目多项。目前已发表SCI通讯作者论文70余篇,获得中国授权专利12项,国际授权专利9项。
[1] 中药及天然药物活性物质的发现及新药开发
[2] 中药复方/中成药的作用物质基础及作用机理研究
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,课题编号82473800, 在研,主持;
[2] 抗老年痴呆候选新药IMMJNU-018成果转化项目,在研,2600万元,主持;
[3] 暨南大学—江苏康缘药业股份有限公司 “创新中药研究联合实验室”, 课题编号40119040,在研,主持;
[4] 国家自然科学基金重点项目,课题编号81630097,结题,课题完成人;
[5] 十三五国家科技重大专项子课题,课题编号20619008,结题,课题完成人;
[6] 国家自然科学基金青年基金,课题编号81602984,结题,主持
[1] Shao J., Li T., Zeng S., Dong J., Chen X.., Zang C., Yao X., Li H.*, Yu Y. *. The structures of two acidic polysaccharides from Gardenia jasminoides and their potential immunomodulatory activities. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2023, 248, 125895. (IF = 8.4,一区TOP 通讯作者)
[2] Lin P., Wang Q., Wang Q., Chen J., He L., Qin Z., Li S., Han J., Yao X., Yu Y. *, Yao Z*. Evaluation of anti-atherosclerotic effect for Allium macrostemon Bge. Polysaccharides and structural characterization of its a newly active fructan.Carbohydrate Polymers 2024, 340: 122289. (IF = 10.7, 一区TOP共同通讯作者)
[3] Liu L., Li H., Wang Z., Yao X.*, Xiao W.*, Yu Y. *. Exploring the anti-migraine effects of Tianshu capsule: chemical profile, metabolic behavior, and therapeutic mechanisms. Phytomedicine 2024, 131:155766. (IF = 6.7, 一区TOP通讯作者)
[4] Pang Q., Zang C., Li T., Zeng X., Liu L., Zhang D.*, Yao X.*, Yu Y. * Neuroprotective effect of GJ-4 against cognitive impairments in vascular dementia by improving white matter damage. Phytomedicine 2024, 132: 155877. (IF = 6.7, 一区TOP通讯作者)
[5] Dong J., Zhou M., Pan D., Qin Q., Li T., Yao X.*, Li H.*, Yu Y.*. Eremophilane and cadinane sesquiterpenoids from the fruits of Alpinia oxyphylla and their anti-inflammatory activities. Food & Function2023,14, 9755–9766. (IF = 6.1, 一区TOP通讯作者)
[6] Dong J., Zhou M., Qin Q., Li T., Yao X., Geng J., Yu Y.*. Structurally diverse new eudesmane sesquiterpenoids with anti-inflammatory activity from the fruits of Alpinia oxyphylla. Bioorganic Chemistry 2023, 134: 10643. (IF = 5.3, 一区TOP通讯作者)
[7] Shi D., Liu L., Li H., Pan D., Yao X., Xiao W. *, Yao X.*, Yu Y.*. Identifying the molecular basis of Jinhong tablets against chronic superficial gastritis via chemical profile identification and symptom-guided network pharmacology analysis. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis2022,12 (1): 65-76. (IF = 14.0, 一区TOP通讯作者)
[8] Shi D., Pang Q., Qin Q., Yao X.*, Yao X., Yu Y.*. Discovery of novel anti-tumor compounds targeting PARP-1 with induction of autophagy through in silico and in vitro screening. Frontiers in Pharmacology2022,13, 1026306. (IF = 4.3, 二区TOP通讯作者)
[9] Pan D., Zeng C., Zhang W., Li T., Qin Z., Yao X., Dai Y., Yao Z., Yu Y.*. Non-volatile pungent compounds isolated from Zingiber officinale and their mechanisms of action. Food & Function2019, 10 (2): 1203-1211. (IF = 4.1,一区TOP通讯作者)
[10] Qin D., Pan D., Xiao W., Li H., Yang B., Yao X., Dai Y., Yu Y.*, Yao X.*. Dimeric Cadinane Sesquiterpenoid Derivatives from Artemisia annua. Organic letters2018,20, 453−456. (IF = 6.5, 一区TOP共同通讯作者)
[1] 姚新生;于洋;张丹;倪阳;鲍秀琦;李林;臧彩霞;高昊;郑远鹏,藏红花色素类化合物及其用途,2017-12-29,中国,ZL201610284974.6
[3] 于洋;姚新生;张维阳;鲁丹;李海波;胡宇慧,一种裂环环阿尔廷烷型三萜类化合物及其制备方法与应用、一种药物,2022-7-26,中国,ZL202010113708.3
[4]于洋;董洁;李婷;姚新生,一种艾里莫酚烷型倍半萜类化合物及其制备方法和应用,2023-5-5,中国,ZL 202310157206.4
[5] 姚新生;于洋;张丹;倪阳;鲍秀琦;李林;臧彩霞;高昊;郑远鹏,クロシン系化合物及じその用途,2020-7-28,日本,6740372
[6]Yu, Yang, Sesquiterpene compound from fructus alpiniae oxyphyllae, and preparatión method and application thereof, 2023-7-27, 卢森堡, LU503387
[7] Yao, Xinsheng; Yu, Yang; Zhang, Dan; Ni, Yang; Bao, Xiuqi; Li, Lin; Zang, Caixia; Gao, Hao; Zheng, Yuanpeng, Crocins compounds and uses thereof, 2022-9-13, 美国, US11,440,931
[8] Yao, Xinsheng; Yu, Yang; Zhang, Dan; Ni, Yang; Bao, Xiuqi; Li, Lin; Zang, Caixia; Gao, Hao; Crocins compounds and uses thereof, 2020-1-30, 澳大利亚, 2017255363